Freelance writing opportunity

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Freelance writing opportunity

Postby BobKilner » Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:29 pm

I'm looking for someone (or multiple people) who wants to help with some elementary / middle school questions that I still need to write for a league I recently picked up. I need 180 questions for 4th graders and 315 or so for 6th graders over the next couple of weeks. I believe I have the 5th grade and 7th/8th grade questions already taken care of from what I've already written. Compensation can be negotiated. If you're willing to help out, shoot me a PM. With school going back next week and with coaching football, I want to make sure I get it done sooner rather than later and outsourcing some of it to some experienced players or former players will make my life easier.
Bob Kilner
Secondary Admin,
Former Coach, Garfield Heights HS (2001-2008), North High School (2015-19, 21-22)
Kent State '06 / Boise State '10
Site Admin
Posts: 404
Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:43 pm
Location: Garfield Heights OH

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